f.m. skirt: who and what era?


Registered Guest
I found this skirt about 6 years ago in a vintage shop. It's floor length and has no other label other than the f.m. Is it Fortnum and Mason? Not sure if it's wool, cotton mix, it's fully lined. Not sure of what year 70s?
Hope you can help!
That looks like the Italian flag on the label. Please tell me in what country you bought the skirt, as it can help narrow the search
I bought it from a shop in Scotland. I noticed the flag but never came up with anything on a search.
I noticed another post on this site which showed a wool ladies suit. It had an f.m. label too but didn't seem to have Italian flag colours. One reply said fortnum mason, hence why I followed that up. Would make sense if it was handmade seems to have that feel about it, although very beautifully handmade!