Fab 1950s and 60s fashions on film - BBC iplayer


VFG Secretary

Years since I've had time to post here, but the smallest one's impending entry into the world of education means I have been able to return, or at least will do very shortly! I happened upon this the other night on BBC iplayer and really enjoyed it in a totally fashion related sense so thought I'd share - it's available for the next few weeks.

Britain on Film, episode 1.1 - A Woman's Place

Lots of post war footage of beauty contests, and women in the world of work which includes training as 'mannequins' for fashion houses. Brilliant bit with a catwalk of Dior's new collection (sack back I think, so mid fifties?) being previewed. One of those 'please let me just step back in time and borrow your wardrobe' moments..

Anyway, it was fun to have on while I took photos!
'By Royal Appointment' was another good program on ITV I think, it was old from 2012 or so, but I'd never seen it before, about all sorts of companies that hold a royal warrant, it was themed, so there was a section on fashion.