Fabric and care instructions for 50s dress/jacket?


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Hi, Can you tell from the photos if the body of this dress and jacket are cotton? I don't want to have to test if I don't have to.

Also, do you think I can iron both on the steam setting?




Thank you, Caryn
Definitely to hard to make a really good guess on the fiber from a photo. Could be cotton or a cotton blend--if it's a blend you really do need to be careful if you can't tell what it's blended with.

I would lightly steam this with a steamer or iron on low setting--not on steam setting! Unless you have a dry cleaner you can trust to handle vintage properly, then it would be best, as Amber says, to let the cleaner handle it, especially with that velvet trim (if you do send to the cleaner for pressing, take off the buttons; I've had even experienced-with-vintage cleaners melt them....).

It's such a stunning outfit and does not look to be all that wrinkly, so the least you can do with it the better.
Oops, what I meant to say is that unless you DON'T have a cleaner you trust, I'd have the cleaner do the pressing or steaming on this.

I think the question is just how to get it pressed, right, not cleaned and pressed? And if it's rayon, you most definitely do not want to iron it on steam setting.
Hi, Unfortunately I don't have a dry cleaner I trust. It does not need a cleaning just a pressing and almost not that. I have been letting it hang on the manni hoping to get the little creases out in the skirt but it is not satisfactory and the cuffs on the jacket need to be pressed back.

Would it be safest to try placing a towel in between the iron and the jacket/dress and press it on low with an iron first?

There is also a rayon setting.

Thank you, Caryn
If you press it on low or on the rayon setting, I would try doing a small area on the reverse side to see how it looks. Or, use a pressing cloth, but then you can up the heat just a hair. Or, if in doubt, start low and if you have to nudge up the heat up a bit, up it a touch at a time.

I rarely iron anything--I am not very good with the iron unless I really put my mind to it--I find the steamer much easier and safer to use! I usually only iron if I have a cotton dress that is very wrinkled. Honestly your dress doesn't look like it needs much to get it into shape!
Yeah..I don't think it needs much either but the cuffs are folded down when they should be up and the skirt has a few wrinkles.

I have ironed silk with great success on low so maybe this will be ok too, I hope.

I might just leave it alone. I thought it looked good enough for me to buy it and did not think about it needing to be ironed when I first saw it.

Thanks, Caryn
I think it is stunning and I would leave it to your buyer to get it cleaned and pressed if you don't have anyone who can do it for you.

I would wear it in a heartbeat -what size it it?
Thanks Linn, It will fit a small/medium-dress has 34" bust and 28" waist. It is a little tighter on top where the velvet is. I guess that is supposed to be snug so it does not fall down.


I wouldn't iron it at all!! Try the steamer...if no steamer..then place it on a supportive hanger in the bathroom, close the door place towel on floor to close crack and run the hot shower. NOT ON THE DRESS..just to create the steam environment. The wrinkles should drop right out!!