fabric mystery -- Is this dress an imitation slubbed silk?


Registered Guest
This dress is so gorgeous, but I don't know what to call the fabric. Subbed silk? It isn't silk, though, it's a synthetic. Does anyone know the proper term?



nope image wotn come up with link lol
hopefully that works :-) for ya

but it worked when I cut and copied link into address bar

ok here we go... you gotta click on the image (after you view it an another size)

then properties and copiy the adress there listed... them put that into the link icon on here :-)

I think I've seen a vintage dress in that fabric before...are the "slubs" almost kind of fuzzy or chenille-like? It looks like a vintage R&K Originals dress we had in stock at a theater I used to work at. If it's that fabric, I don't think I'd call it an imitation shantung/slubbed silk...in my experience the slubs aren't that wide/obvious/neatly arranged on real or imitation shantung.

Then again, I could be totally wrong about the fabric, I'm just going off the picture! If you could post a close-up it may be easier to identify. It's a lovely dress!
I agree that it doesn't look like an imitation silk: the slubs are too large and pronounced. Without seeing a close up of the fabric, I'm going to go with rayon - I had a light coat once in a similar fabric, it was from 1949-52 and similar to your dress.

I can't get a close enough look at the fabric, but the dress looks almost identical to one I have in stock right now! Although my fabric is more puckered than slubbed, and I think mine is cotton. Yours is probably rayon, as Nicole says, and I don't think it's meant to be an imitation silk. Even raw silk isn't as knobby/heavily slubbed as that.

It's a great dress on its own, without it being like silk! Perhaps you can call it a "novelty weave."