Fabric Question - Total brain fart.....


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Fabric question: What is it called when it is pleated like a broomstick skirt???


I know I know it.... I just can't think of it.

And would you call the gold an overlay?? Is that the proper terminology??

My brain quit on me hours ago. Thanks to everyone for being so kind to a newbie.
These are known as pin thin pleats and a couple of big fashion retail companies are currently using this term. It follows the established terminology - e.g. knife pleats. I'd refer to the gold as a braid trim.
vertugarde, thanks for the new term. I hadn't heard that. I would have been inclined to call them crystal pleats. Are they the same thing?
To clarify I believe they are known as pin thin pleats. I referred to 'knife pleats' to make the link as in a knife width. Pin width therefore should be self explanatory.

Crystal pleats I think also refer to the type of fabric or at least that's what I always understood the term to mean. Shin, usually synthetic material. The width of the crystal pleat can vary unlike the pleats you are showing. Make sense?