Fabulous Sonia Rykiel ensemble


Registered Guest
Does anyone read the FIDM Museum (Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising, LA) blog? Its fantastic and well worth subscribing to, but this last posting has really grabbed me:


I want this so badly it hurts! I'm more of a trousers rather than frocks girl, and this ticks all the boxes. I love every single thing about it, and can imagine it being incredibly comfortable and easy to wear as well as being impeccably elegant.

And the piece makes some interesting points about Sonia Rykiel's intelligent combination of style and comfort - also the debatable claim she makes that men can't really design for women!

There's plenty of fascinating stuff on that blog, very well written by the museum staff, so do check it out if you've not seen it before - I can't recommend it highly enough.

Sarah :christmastree:
Hooray! I love how she mentions Katherine Hepburn because she is one of my personal style icons and I could just picture her in the Rykiel outfit.

I've met Rachel, the curator who writes most of the blog, and she was such a lovely girl (yes, I've been to Los Angeles - once!)

I'll have to dig up the photos because I had an appointment to view 1930s Hollywood costumes in their collection, including a few items from Marlene Dietrich's personal wardrobe!

I can see why you lust after that, Sarah! The colors and the way that jacket is styled (that collar! the bow! the shaped/ribbed waist!) are just amazing... I remember I used to adore Rykiel's designs in the early 80s...

Thanks for posting the link to the FIDM blog. I've got it bookmarked now, and look forward to reading it regularly!

I'd LOVE to see your photos of the items from Marlene Dietrich's wardrobe... Wow!
Hi Carrie :hiya:

I'm glad you enjoyed that outfit! Sonia Rykiel is often overlooked but I agree that her early 80s work (and even a bit before - didn't she start in the 70s?) was great. There were clear references to earlier eras, but she made them so wearable and practical, without losing any of their stylishness and finesse.

And I don't think anyone can beat her knitwear.

I'm just working on the Hollywood costume pictures now. I hope its ok to post them because I haven't asked for permission to use them online . . .

I just haven't had time look at this forum all week (my personal life's been a bit rocky...).

I adore this ensemble too :spin: - just the sweater and the pants though, I don't like the coat so much. Anyway, it's super-beautiful - and those colors! I love bright colors.

Sonia Rykiel is often overlooked but I agree that her early 80s work (and even a bit before - didn't she start in the 70s?) was great.

The early 80s is when I first picked up a fashion magazine, that's all!

I totally agree with your analysis of what made her designs so wonderful (though at the time I didn't stop to think about why I was so smitten, just wished I had enough $ to buy her stuff!)
Yes, Midge - aren't the colours wonderful? I think you'd need to be tall to carry off that coat because it could make you look a little dumpy otherwise!

Carrie - that's the only problem I had with her clothes too! I did have a gorgeous tulip print box pleat skirt that I sold years ago, and its one of those items that you look back and think "damn, I wish I hadn't sold that!"
