Fair to call this a shrug?


Staff member
VFG Past President
This little frippery covers the shoulders, back, and has wraps at the waist. Would you call it a shrug, as I am inclinded?


I am listing this today. I have the feeling it will go with SOMEbody's SOMEthing, SOMEwhere! (The dress underneath is mine.)
Thank you Kat! The dress actually has its own bolero! I just wish this shrug/bolero had its own dress...
With a shrug, I say it is fair, indeed.


Front-tie half-jacket?

Front-tie bolero/shrug??

Front-tie half-shrug???

I have no idea.

Very pretty, though! :wub:

You said it Charity, bolero seems to be a much more popular word. I have a bolero listed, and it has about 20 hits from searching "bolero" in the title. Not a single hit on the navy shrug for "shrug!" I put bolero in the description, but I can't quite bring myself to call it a bolero in the title.
When I first looked at it, I got all confused (and it doesn't take much somedays) as I couldn't figure out why you would want to separate it from the original dress it came with....

:puzzled: :puzzled: Oh dear.....It matches perfectly with the dress you have modelled (gorgeous photo by the way!!!)

Ummm...Do you have another dress that you could match it up with that doesn't have a bolero????? It looks great displayed with something underneath then you could sell it as one meal deal.

What I think may happen is a bidder will oooo and ahhhh over the entire thing and then be really disappointed that they don't go together....

Just food for thought to perhaps keep it close-by and try and find something to match it....

Thank you Nanc, I'm sure you are right that the dress will be generating some interest. I've had the little shrug thing about 3 years and have yet to really find its mate. The only thing I could find to sell with it would be a slip, but I didn't really like how that looked. I guess I finally just gave up and decided to see if it gets anywhere on its own.

I did list the item last evening and have 6 watchers. I put a note in about the dress being NFS.

If it doesn't sell I will keep searching for a good mate...