VFG Member
All this week I am visiting one of our local elementary schools to talk about small aspects of Victorian life. The art teacher is doing related projects with each grade and on Wednesday I am supposed to talk to the kindergartners about the history of fans. I have a small assortment of fans--feathered, advertising, cockade, pleated, handpainted Italian, etc., but know little about the history of them.
Today (we were talking about children's clothing) the teacher gave me a sheet with the Language of Fans and the incredible subtleties in fan "language" made me immediately suspicious as to whether it is all true. Could things such as this really be true:
--Drawing the fan across the forehead: "You have changed"
--A closed fan touching the right eye: "When may I be allowed to see you?"
--Hitting her hand's palm: "Love me"
Anything important I should be sure to tell these little ones about fans?
Today (we were talking about children's clothing) the teacher gave me a sheet with the Language of Fans and the incredible subtleties in fan "language" made me immediately suspicious as to whether it is all true. Could things such as this really be true:
--Drawing the fan across the forehead: "You have changed"
--A closed fan touching the right eye: "When may I be allowed to see you?"
--Hitting her hand's palm: "Love me"
Anything important I should be sure to tell these little ones about fans?