Fancy Aristocraft by Superior Nylon Slip... Date?

I looked through the VFG label resource and the VFG Lingerie section and I'm still not sure about the date of this slip. It's fully lined and has metal sliders. The label looks closer to the 1950s label with the fabric content listed on the front of the label. With the edges worn away I am unable to tell if the label is before or after the registration mark was used. Slip appears to hit around mid-calf. Also being so fancy, was wondering if this was used just as a slip? Thank you for your thoughts on this.

Agree: lovely fancy 'fifties slip. Very nice.

Prior to the '90s no one wore these on the outside. Well, okay, I wore them around the house when I was 17 but they were considered a very sexy thing to wear in public.
Thanks everyone for your help on the date of this slip. Nicole, I was such a "tom boy" growing up, that when I could'a worn "fancys" like this I didn't, now that I wish I could, I wouldn't dare..... except around the house... :drinking2:
This is me saying....Dare! We all need to live and enjoy our lives - shyness holds you back from so many things. I've misplaced my girlish figure but I'm very glad that I wore vintage fashions to show it off when I had it - and oh, how I wish there were more photos!

I still have the '40s black Celanese petticoat I was wearing (with a red silk scarf) the night I met my first boyfriend, aged 17. It's okay - I didn't wear it very far from home, he lived next door and I knocked on his door asking if he had an egg I could use to bake a cake.