FAQs for VFG Shop on Facebook

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Staff member
VFG Past President
1. I want to to be able to shop in this group. What do I do?

We welcome new Buyer-Members. To be added, click the “Join Group” button at the top right of the main page while you are signed into Facebook.
We recommend doing this from a laptop or desktop. You should be taken to a small popup screen titled something along the lines of “Your request to join VFG Shop” with the list of Group Rules, with a check box at the top for you to confirm that you agree to the rules. Check the box and then click on Submit. A response can be quick, or it could take awhile. If you haven’t heard back after 12 hours, feel free to send a message to the on-duty staff admin. . If you’re a VFG trade member, you also might want to also send a message to the on-duty group Admin when you apply, so we can make sure you get pre-approval for selling.

2. Why was I declined?

if you applied from a mobile app via smartphone or tablet, the screening information might not have shown up for you – Facebook glitch. Please try again using a laptop or desktop. If you’re still having difficulty, contact the on-duty staff admin.

If you applied for membership as your Business Page, and are not a VFG Trade Member, Admin Staff will decline your application. Please try again using your Personal Profile.

3. How do I list an item for sale?

Only VFG Trade Members may sell in VFG Shop on Facebook. If you are interested in becoming a VFG Trade Member, please visit this link: https://vintagefashionguild.org/apply-for-membership/

4. How do I start a discussion post?

Unless you are an administrator or pre-approved trade member, any new discussions must be reviewed by admin staff before being posted on the page. Be patient – expected timeframes will be similar to those for joining.

5. Why wasn’t my pending post approved?

If you are not a VFG Trade Member and tried to list something for sale, Admin Staff will delete your pending post and send you a message via Facebook reminding you about Rule #1 – “This is a group for BUYING from VFG Trade Members”. Similarly, if you are trying to post a link to an item for sale elsewhere, or “Sharing” on behalf of a Business Page that is not affiliated with a VFG Trade Member, those posts will be deleted and you will be messaged. If this becomes a repeating problem, you may be removed from the group.

6. I have something vintage - how can I find out what it’s worth?

It is the policy of the VFG that we do not authenticate or price items. If you feel your item is rare and valuable, a professional appraiser needs to see it in person. For more commonly found items, consider searching closed auction results on eBay or similar sites.

7. I have something vintage – can I post it here to find out more about it?

we can't help you date your items in the VFG Shop on Facebook. For help with identifying and dating your items, and to chat with likeminded people about all things vintage fashion, please visit the VFG's public forum:

I made a comment on someone’s listing and it disappeared – why?

Trade members who have items listed for sale have the authority to manage their listings as they see fit, including deleting a comment. Consider sending a private message to the seller if you want more feedback.

Another member posted something that violates the rules – what should I do?

Contact the on-duty admin staff member – you should find their name in the pinned announcement at the top of the main shop page.
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