Fashioned by Flobért label


VFG Member
Hello. Just wondering if anyone has any info on this label. I’ve been googling and see a bunch of stuff from the 30s-50s but that’s it. Thanks!

Thus far I found in the 1920 census a Ben(jamin?) Carl Stern, b. 1900 in Austro-Hungary, who was a shipping clerk for "underwear." His sister Bertha designed underwear and his sister Florence was an underwear saleswoman. A 1924 classified ad from the Flobert Co. (named, I assume, for Ben's sisters Florence and Bertha) of 30 E. 33rd St in NYC solicited a presser for "high-class silk underwear." In the 1930 census Ben C. Stern was a salesman for lingerie and his 1940 WWII draft registration noted he was employed by Flobert Co of 146 Madison Avenue in NYC. A 1941 ad for The Flobert Co. noted the company was the "Maker of women's ultra fashionable year round negligees, pajamas, robes, lounge wear."

The 1957 Greater NY Industrial Directory recorded the following officers of Flobert Co., Inc of 146 Madison Avenue, NYC: President Ben C Stern and treasurer Samuel Stern. The Flobert Co. products were housecoats and negligees. The 1958 Industrial Directory of New York State noted the Flobert Co., Inc. sold/produced?/manufactured? women's housecoats, negligees, and lounging pajamas and the president Ben C Stern was assisted by treasurer Samuel Stern.

A 1967 newspaper article reported the engagement of Patricia Stern, daughter of Ben C. Stern, president of Flobert Co. of New York City, and his wife. A 1968 Who's Who publication reported Stanley J. Stein was a partner in Flobert Co.

I will look for a bit more information in a day or two.
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Thank you! I wonder if what I found would be considered loungewear. I thought at first it might be an evening outfit. I also thought it was from the 70’s, but I will see what you think. So it’s a 2 piece outfit. A long lace coat and a heavy satin one piece wide legged jumper sort of thing. The satin part has a nylon talon zipper in the back, bust darts, hem tape and pinked seams. The lace coat snaps at the neck with one snap and there is a large snap securing it at the waist behind the bow. The seams are unfinished in the lace coat. The sleeves are somewhere between elbow length to three quarter length sleeves. It’s a very pretty albeit unusual looking outfit. There is no care label but a stiff paper tag that says it’s 100% acetate and it’s size. The Flobért label is in both pieces. I don’t have the right kind of dress form to display it properly.

I am not finding 14282 as a valid RN number. I do think your outfit is some sort of fancy loungewear.
Another tidbit I found is that Norma Dare who designed for Flobert also designed some of the Patterns of The Times: American Designer Series sewing patterns. There is a whole NYT article for each one of the designers who contributed. This is an excerpt from the 1952 article about Dare:


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The RN looks like it begins with a 1 in person but it’s so faint, who can be sure. I tried all variations of 1428? and came back with nothing.

I agree with it being hostess wear. It just seems too dressy to lay around the house in it.