February 2005, The VTA Red Carpet!


VFG Member
<font class="mediumtxt"><center><h3><font face="Century Gothic"> Hi! ALL

~~~ February 2005~~~<font color=red> The VTA Red Carpet</font color> submitted by: <a href="http://search.ebay.com/_W0QQsassZbonton*vintage" target="_blank"> bonton*vintage</a>

"Just in time for Oscar Night!"

Can't you see them now... sashaying down the red carpet... lights flashing, the crowd calling. Stunning gowns with deep cleavage, unique outfits paired with the best jewellry, and don't forget those gorgeous glam shoes. It's only the best for the VTA Red Carpet!"</center>


Here's where we ask all of you wonderfully talented people to contribute a fun logo for use in the February VTA Theme. Post 'em here and get 'em here! But please remember that any LINKED pics must be the small ones (as per eBay's rules). Such as the one below:<BR><BR><center><img src="http://members.sparedollar.com/cotmyey/vtasmall1.jpg"></center>

You can find others on the VTA Seller Resource Page.

<font color=red>The VTA Red Carpet</font> runs the entire month of February. Take a peek at the <a href="http://members.ebay.com/aboutme/vta-vintage*themed*auctions/" target="_blank">VTA About Me Page</a> for upcoming themes and participating sellers. And for all the how to's check out the <a href="http://vintagefashionguild.org/vtasellerresource/sellerresourcepage.html" target="_blank">VTA Seller Resource Page.</a> All to be updated after the 1st of the month to reflect the current theme.

Gayle <font color=blue><br>VTA </font color>
And, don't forget - if you no longer participate in eBay auctions but you have a Mall shop, you can still participate in VTA!! Just select the VTA box at the top of your listing and buyers will be able to search for VTA items through the front page link!! A nifty little feature for x-eBayers!!
