Flower ID needed, please and thank you


VFG Member
I am preparing this cute yellow dress with an unfamiliar label "Trolley Car"....and it has a lovely flower in the front which I cannot identify. I am hoping someone will know......Thanks in advance.


Here are some closeups of the flower:



Would you say this is late 70's? The material is similar to a low pile terrycloth.

Thanks a bunch! Gail
Dogwood can be pink. I think that's what it is , too, but with some artistic license in the number of petals.

:bouncy: ooooohhhhoooohhh..... I know....!!

Got one of these right in my living room!! I'd say hibiscus (sp?) It grows on a small bushy tree with leaves that shape and big beautiful blooms .... in gorgeous salmon pink.. that only last for a couple of days!

I love watching mine bloom all winter long!!