for our VFG friends - the Fashion Question of the Week


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VFG Past President
This week-end I found this wonderful old photo of a shop window display. The question for this week is guess the year the photo was taken?




Well, thank you! People are going to think it's a Canadian conspiracy - I'm from BC.

Your photos are wonderful! Where did you find them? They're not stills from the movie 'The Fashion Shop' which was made in 1915 are they?
Hi vertugarde from B.C.,

We found this one at a moving sale this week-end, it actually states that it's from the MacLeod Co. Ltd. Easter Display. It just appears to be an old photo in a cardboard frame.

I wish there were more but that was the only one!

I've never seen the movie the Fashion Shop that I can remember so I would not know if the photo might be from that.