Found (vintage) Things


This fell out of a vintage pattern when I opened it up to count the pieces.


Jonathan Logan Ad, 1962
Too cute!
I love little surprises like that. A few weeks ago I found a wonderful old hankie in a coat pocket. Perfectly clean and folded, just like brand new.
Though it’s not something I would have purchased separately it is somehow a special little treasure. Lagniappe, maybe.
I have a small box of things found in pockets and purses. Some day there may be enough to make a decent showing. The best thing ever found in a vintage item that I have yet heard about was the ticket for prostitution in a 1960s handbag. This was Bret's, a former (?) member's find.
Originally posted by denisebrain
The best thing ever found in a vintage item that I have yet heard about was the ticket for prostitution in a 1960s handbag.

That is now at the top of my list of "things I want to find in a pocket besides cash".