Right after Christmas starts the carnival season - well, it officially starts on November 11th, but people really get into it at the beginning of January. Logically then, the January issue of the Burda sewing magazine would always have a few pages of carnival costumes. It's an even bigger thing in certain regions of Germany, after all!
I recently got their complete January 1958 issue, and some of their ideas were not only quite original, but I think also fairly daring for the time!
The pineapple - ok, it's fairly covered up in the top, but the bottom... is certainly short! Pineapples were still exotic enough at the time I guess.
And then the chiantella (traditional Italian chiant wine bottle) - wow! Not only is it super short, but also with a strapless top - I am still a little astonished to find that in a Burda magazine of the time. Still a bit daring for the time I think. Very cute and original as well. Only sitting down in this was certainly also impossible, or one would crush the "skirt"
I recently got their complete January 1958 issue, and some of their ideas were not only quite original, but I think also fairly daring for the time!
The pineapple - ok, it's fairly covered up in the top, but the bottom... is certainly short! Pineapples were still exotic enough at the time I guess.
And then the chiantella (traditional Italian chiant wine bottle) - wow! Not only is it super short, but also with a strapless top - I am still a little astonished to find that in a Burda magazine of the time. Still a bit daring for the time I think. Very cute and original as well. Only sitting down in this was certainly also impossible, or one would crush the "skirt"
