Funny and fabulous article about historical costume accuracy

I love Bill and Ted, but it's been a long time since I've seen it... before I started looking at historical costumes in movies more closely. But that photo looks good! Anyway, if you enjoy costume movies and want to know more about the costumes, I recommend you have a look at FrockFlicks :).

And yes, Sanditon was terrible - in every possible way, not just the heroine's hair...
This is one of my favourites from Karolina Zebrowska on the subject of Costume Design for period film. She also has one on Emma too!. Some of my best friends are costume designers I must say- It's not always about being historically accurate, as much as we wish it was. There are so many other factors at play in producing a feature film. Enjoy!

Not really related, but yesterday I watched part of the 1966 film "The Group". The costumes were all over the place as far as decades. It was supposed to take place in 1933. The costumes ranged from stylized mid 1930s "ish" to 1960s, with a lot of 1940s and 1950s styles in the mix. Anna Hill Johnstone was the costumer designer. She is one of my favorites, but this movie seems so typical of the 1960s "costuming gone wrong" period. Of course the actresses (if they had that power) probably asked for a more contemporary look.

The movie was good, regardless. I can see why the book and the film were so controversial, and why the movie took so long to come to the screen. If that were made in the 1950s....hoo boy!!!
Thanks for posting that Gayle, it's just about everything they rant and snark about on FrockFlicks regularly :hysterical:. Nothing worse than when someone claims that historical costumes must be "relatable" for today's audiences - because they are apparently so stupid that they can't deal with accurate costumes rude emoti!