Fur coat. 1960s Mink? Thank you for your feedback.


Hi everyone,
This fur coat was made by Walleck's Furs in Pittsburgh, PA.

While researching the furrier I found that two pieces from this furrier were donated to the Metro. Museum of Fine Arts,( sorry I've forgotten the department). so I feel this coat was made by someone who does exceptional work.

The donated coats were both from the 1960s. I have looked at styles and am thinking this coat is from the 60s also. Do you see a 60's style or older?

First thought muskrat, but the under hairs are not gray and stripes seem to run straight without the zigzag that I've seen in muskrat. mink perhaps?

Thanks for sharing your opinions.
I did and it has all the features of a mink. I think the coat is from female pelts because they are so narrow. I'm always finding muskrat. :) I just wanted to be certain this was mink before listing. I think I'll take it to a local furrier to confirm that it's mink and to see if he can provide more specifics about it and what era. Thanks for responding to my post Linn
I can't tell what the fur is from that distance - is there a close-up pic? but stylistically, I would say the coat is 50s. The wide sleeves with the turn-back cuffs are early 50s features, as is the rolled tuxedo collar. I would have thought c. 1950-56
Jonathan, thank you for your response. It really helps me to understand what you look at to determine a date when you detail some of the defining features: "wide sleeves with the turn-back cuffs are early 50s features, as is the rolled tuxedo collar." Currently, I do not have a good close-up on file, but will take one when we see some sunshine.
Based on your photos, your description, and the condition of the coat I would say this coat is mink as well. Besides the wide and zig zag pelts of muskrat, aged muskrat usually shows wear at the opening edges, collar, and cuffs. I don't see that on this coat. You really can't identify whether mink is male or female though based on the width of the strips on the outside. Mink is sometimes cut into thin strips and sewn back together with or without leather strips to give that appearance. When it is done without leather it is called the let out process. When it is done with leather it is called leathering. You can tell by looking at the hide side of the pelts. Female pelts have V shape lines that make them easiest to identify. Some other identifiers are long guardhairs and even underfur, more sheen, and lighter weight.
I don't think this is muskrat. I do think this is mink. If the bottom has a french hem you can take a photo of the hide side of the pelts and post them and I can tell you if it is male or female.
Thanks Caryn for sharing what to look for on the pelts. Coat does not have a French hem so I can't show inside of pelts, but I do have a better idea of what to look for now. Here are two closer views of the fur.