Fur stole - need help with fur ID and details ~


VFG Past President
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/DSCN3162.jpg" width=599 height=600>

It looks minky to me but I'm not sure :) The fur is worked in a chevron pattern.

The slits/straps at the shoulders - is there a name for this detail? If you can't quite see what's going on, it's the same as what's shown in

This current auction (not mine)

Thanks in advance,

I can't get that link, however, it looks mink to me. Would the slits be for putting your arms through and draping around the back or waist. Do you have a pic on your manni?
I can't get the link either but I am curious to know what those slits are too.

I can't buy these stoles in my area, the shops think they are worth millions and have priced them that way!
Looks minky to me too Carolyn.

Those slits have a vague reptilian eye look to them! (sorry not much help am I?)

Here's a pic from the auction with the bad link :)

It's auction #8141719719, the seller is **nevenka**

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/bigchief/DSC09619.jpg" width=480 height=360>

She describes the slits this way -

<b>"The cut is amazing, with free floating pelts that attach above the shoulder and reconnect below the bust. These allow the weight of the fur to be held securely, while the wrap portion just floats around your shoulders! "</b>

Which sounds reasonable to me - I was just wondering if there was a name for this detail. I've decided I've got to befriend a furrier ("Hi - what's it called when....?") - which would be easy to do if I were to buy a fur coat, which ain't gonna happen!

Thanks for the ID help - much appreciated.



P.S. It's kosher to reference someone's auction like I did here, isn't it? If not please tell me!
Okay, on second thought, could a little shoulder show?? You know having the straps on the shoulder and the stole lower down. I tried doing a search but couldn't find anything out. Maybe you could send a pic to one of the fur companies online. I really think it looks great and I do love the design!
Thank you Linda :)

The 'straps' on mine aren't as long as on the darker one shown above - they just don't work as a way of hanging the stole from the shoulders like that one. I'm just trying to figure out a way to explain their existance in an auction description!

Emailing a pic to a furrier - good idea, I think I'll give it a try. With all the fur questions that come up it would be great to have a professional to consult.

Thanks again for your help!

No help to you whatsoever on this! ;-( When I first saw it, I thought you had it upside-down, that the slits were for your arms to go through, to help keep the stole in place!

Where's that smilie with the paper bag??? :(
LOL..I was also thinking..ok you arms have to go through those slits some way to keep the stole from falling off!:P

The fur looks longer than I would normally associate mink with ....

I know I am absolutely NO help!
Can you see under the lining to the back of the pelt? Very often the name of the pelt will be stamped onto the skin, and the place where it is from.

The slits definitely aren't for the arms, and they're not really long enough to sit on the shoulders. I've searched & searched for info or a similar style that has a description, but found nothing.

I can't pin down the color, either. "Pastel" seems to cover a variety of shades so I think I'll go with that.

Obviously my listing description isn't going to be terribly informative :) so there'll be a lot of photos! Oh well, I tried.

<b>Deb</b> - The lining is tightly sewn, and I really can't make work for myself by opening it - so any fur info stamped on the pelts isn't going to see the light of day!

Thanks guys ~
