Genuine Vintage ?

I'm going to go with vintage (late '50s-early '60s) although I'd want more information - I think she's displaying the back of it, so I'd ask for a photo of the other side - if you're not sure which side is the back and which the front, ask which side the zipper is on. It should be on the left. As Kristine mentioned, if you ask for answers you'll find out for sure.

It could be vintage as well. I have a dim memory of that fabric being called 'tissue taffeta'. You might ask the gal if there's a fabric label. Or a size label...the measurements are right for a 1950s 11....26 inch waist.
I'm with Nicole on this being late 50s/early 60s. The silhouette is definitely that era, particularly if you
have the bow at the back. I have seen that tissue type
taffeta on other dresses of this time period also. It may only be an illusion of the photograph, but it appears that there is a fairly deep hem in the skirt, which would also point to
the 50s.

I'm betting it is authentic.
