Getting Started-Inventory control

Blanches Vintage

Registered Guest
Just wonderful how you all keep track of your items as you place them on your sites and wait for them to sell. Do you use data tracking software? I have a tendancy to make things harder for myself than I need to so I figured there is someone out there with some really great and simple organizing and inventory control suggestions
Blanches Vintage:hiya:
My organization is very simple....I have one separate closet just for my mall store items. I have separate folders on my computer and stored discs of the write-ups. The rest of my inventory is in another location and the write-ups are on other discs/folders. Of course, my inventory is much smaller than many others, I am sure.

I have my website items in one folder and my ebay stuff is in another folder on my computer. I have 3 racks in my garage. My items that need to be done, the website items and the ebay items. I do all my ebay sells in the fall/winter b/c that is when the kids go back to school and I have more free time. Summer time is my shopping time.
I also use the calender program on my computer so when I place things on my website I know how long they have been on and I use this for my ebay items.
My vintage stuff is also labeled with the main pic of the item, the write up and the price b/c I do have local people and neighbors that come shop from me.

I figured that if I started being organized at the first that I would be able to have more time for others things.

You just need to figure out the best thing that keeps you organize in other fields of your life and use that as a template or example for you.

Good luck and remember that everything takes time and that it is all trial and error......:D
Definitely define your 'areas' to start with. I am a bad example as I constantly move things around to try and eke out a little extra space..

You are doing it the right way though as Jamie says, to get a system in place from the start.
All my inventory tracking information is kept on slips of paper randomly strewn around my house.


I have an at home office/studio where everything is placed on a shelf, a drawer, or hanging on a rack.