Gilbert Adrian dress!!

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Emma Parkes, Aug 29, 2024.

  1. Emma Parkes

    Emma Parkes Registered Guest

    Hey all!! I found this absolutely amazing Adrian dress, and while I know this site can’t do appraisals, I was just wondering if anyone has experience selling Adrian pieces or some recommended resources for selling this and deciding how much to start bidding at. It’s so rare that eBay sold history is really no help. I would say it’s 1940’s based on the label. Thanks!!

    Attached Files:

  2. Fab dress, what a great find!
    I only see one "sold" listing for an Adrian dress on eBay right now, it's also a black dress and from the same era. It was listed for $500 but sold for a best offer. There doesn't appear to be any current listings there.
    On Etsy, there are a few currently available, listed from $1120-$3000... ambitious pricing, IMHO.
    Keep in mind that a well-known vintage seller with a large following would likely achieve a higher sale price that someone starting out or who is not a regular vintage seller.
    Good luck!
  3. Emma Parkes

    Emma Parkes Registered Guest

    thanks! I was having a similar though process and thought those Etsy prices were a lil ambitious I’ll probably do eBay or one of the vintage selling groups on Facebook
    The Vintage Vendeuse likes this.
  4. Vintagiality

    Vintagiality VFG Treasurer Staff Member

    Would love to see the dress on a dress form if you have it. It looks beautiful
    plousia likes this.
  5. Emma Parkes

    Emma Parkes Registered Guest

    Its too small for my dress form :( I’m planning to have a friend model it so I can take listing photos
    Vintagiality likes this.
  6. Vintagiality

    Vintagiality VFG Treasurer Staff Member

    Wonderful! Do share pics with us when you do
    Emma Parkes likes this.
  7. Emma Parkes

    Emma Parkes Registered Guest

    The funny story is a local thrift store posted it on Instagram, I took ONE LOOK at the label and ran out the door lolol
  8. retro ruth

    retro ruth Administrator Staff Member

    Well done!
  9. amandainvermont

    amandainvermont VFG Member

    WOW! Now that's a dress. Great that you saw it and got there first. I would think just the "Gilbert Adrian" in the title line on eBay would take this dress to its proper heights financially.
    Emma Parkes likes this.
  10. Rue_de_la_Paix

    Rue_de_la_Paix VFG Member

    Amazing success story for you. Its nice to know, and pretty rare these days, that really fantastic garments still make their way to a thrift store.

    It looks to be post WWII, very late 1940s when these Victorian inspired "passementerie" black dresses (and hats) were a rage for a few years.

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