Gimmee Gimmee Gimmee! New terms used for Vintage!


I think I'm old school when it comes to terminology for Vintage. I don't know what the "cool kids" are using these days... I see NOS but I say dead-stock. What does NOS stand for? Oh! Here's another BIN. What is that? Is there a link that will get me Hip to the Trip? (:hysterical:Couldn't help that!) A link to print out?
BIN there, Haven't done that.
Where did my brain go, I think I saw it here somewhere!?
ok, BIN - Then why are people haggling prices on a BIN?
So it's BIN- Not: HNDSI&MBL(Haggle Now,Drive Seller Insane & Maybe Buy Later)
I use deadstock professionally, but in the shop I call it "New and Unworn 1950s" or whatever. Everyone seems to understand that - if I just say "New" they think it's a reproduction (I'm amazed how many people think my stock are all repros! I even got a man ask if I made them all myself!?)


I can totally relate! I collect and sell vintage costume jewelry, and I wear it almost all the time.

Frequently when I receive a compliment on a piece I am wearing and say, "it's vintage" I am asked if I made it. So, I started saying, "thank you - it's vintage from the 1940's (or whatever era it's from.)


How about ESBMTI

Evil sniper beat me to it. Or


I would rob a bank to have that.

Silly, but fun. Now I need my GCAM
Graham crackers and milk