Giving & Getting Vintage Gifts *Your wish list!*

:wub:I'm starting a "Gift Gallery" in my store. As I go through my boxes and trunks and pull out the perfect gifts for my customers I wonder.... What are the BEST Vintage Gifts?!?

So Far I am pulling out Jewelry, Hats and Scarves. I need inspiration!

What are you going to be shopping for?
I've received a number of evening bags from friends who know I'm into vintage but wouldn't dare guess at my dress size, so they're a definite.

And a friend of mine has asked me for NOS seamed stockings as a pressie for his girlfriend. The 40s and 50s ones are so beautifully packaged, they make a lovely gift.

I guess anything where the size doesn't have to be exactly right, so stoles and wraps might be good too.

i have had a few customers who have purchased some of our fine leather day bags, also, actually; one was a gorgeous black and red leather bag from France that was spectaculor, and his wife loved it!

sweaters can be gift-y, too, especially yummy Norwegian ones, or cashmere is always a treat!! beaded ones have sold well for us previously, as well

say, Beth, i don't see a link to a Ruby Lane shop yet; have you decided to wait on that for a bit?? we were gone the last 14 days or so, so we tanked a bit by not adding merch, but hope to get on it tonight again...:wacko:

so much to do!!
I left town for about a week and a half myself for family illness/drama so it has slowed down my Ruby Lane plans. I'm hoping next week!!

More great suggestions! I have NOS stockings, shawls and beaded sweaters.. I'll pull those out!

Keep it coming!