Go Ahead. Call Me a Nerd.


Alumni +
Go ahead. Nerd with a capital N.

I took Friday off and went into town for the whole day at the Main branch of the Library.

First - 2 hours going through 3 books on 2 local stores I had not known existed. Happiness! Plus a number of other local history and photo books on the city that were not as helpful.

Then a quick lunch at a coffe shop across the street.

Then a stroll down a very cold and windy 4th St with my camera. I got a few shots of long closed ladies clothing stores - some buildings date back to 1905.

What was especially neat was that there is one store I have been looking for information on, and by golly the building still has the secomd store name (1917 - 1941) still painted on the side - much faded, but still legible.

And it turns out 3 different local shops that I have labels for were all in that building at one time or other!

Then back to the library, where I spent some time with local archictecture books. But most of the afternoon was spent sucked into the old city Directories. They have the actual volumes on the shelves starting with 1902.

I wasn't systematic enough, though. I jumped around from 1902 - 1956 and realized I will just have to be disciplined next time and go year to year with all the shops I am looking for.

I figure that's another 2 days just at those shelves! It turns out they have the business listings back to the 1830s on microfilm - oh my.

And the main local newspaper back to 1868 on microfilm. Plus others that go back even further.

There's days and days of library time yet to go.

I spent yesterday rewriting most of the blurbs on my local store history page yesterday.

And here's the really Nerdy thing :

I had a ball!

I have said this before, but I will say it again: If you live in a town/city that had local clothing or department stores that are gone, ones that you find boxes and labels from, consider keeping notes on what you find, how old it is, and the type of clothing. Sort of your own private Label Resource. It can be invaluable info when dating or researching your vintage finds.

Hollis, you're a nerd! :lol:

And so am I! Your day sounds precisely how I like to spend my time - leafing through dusty volumes searching for information. I have the reams of notes to prove it.

Its worth it for those occasional 'eureka' moments when you discover something that you've been looking for for ages, or even if you discover something that totally surprises you.

Best of luck with your ongoing research, and that's very good advice about keeping notes on local retailers.

Sarah :christmas3:
What's so nerdy about that? Oh right... I forgot, I'm a nerd too....

I wish somebody would do in New York what you are doing in Louisville. I am constantly finding milliners, dressmakers, designers, and manufacturers with New York addresses from the 1880s to the 1980s, and if somebody would take that on researching where and when these people were and photograph the buildings, any packaging, or products from their shops it would make a great book!
Well, I feel slightly less nerdy now.

I have had a small publisher approach me about writing a short history of one store in particular, but they want a photo history, and apparently the store archives were thrown out when the chain was bought out by Dillard's.


Jonathan - that is so true with New York - but what a monumental undertaking!

Nothing nerdy about that - I think it's great you're doing this! Dito, I'd love somebody doing this about Zurich, I have one or two dresses here from shops or ateliers here that have disappeared somewhere along and I can't find anything about them...

Besides, I can spend hours in front of my PC researching some Barbie-clone fashion doll. Which most of the times just leads me to find the things I was not looking for... :clueless:

There are a lot of peope who think a day doing library research when you aren't in school or getting paid to do it sounds A)mind numbingly boring B) pointless C) silly.

And the nerd detectors around here have been going off.

HOWEVER, If, when you go to the library you also have any of the following:
one eyebrow
pocket protector
tape on glasses
your name written on tags in your underwear
Star Trek motif pens, pencils or binder
a handkerchief tucked up your sweater sleeve
a brown bag lunch consisting of peanut butter sandwich and clamato juice....

Then you might be in trouble...
:lol: I really hope you don't think I was being rude at the top there - you did ask!

For the record, I was just saying that if you're a nerd, then that makes me one too. And anyway, according to Jonathan's exacting criteria I'm sure we're both off the hook! ;)

Your work sounds fascinating, and really important. I do hope you'll be able to publish the results sometime.

Sarah :santa3:
Jonathan - I am off the hook! I have ducked Nerd-dom after all - much happiness here

I must admit I spent much of last evening on Google maps with the old store addresses, trying to see where they were and if the building was still standing.

Amazingly, quite a few still are in downtown. But the Convention Center and the development of 4th St. from Liberty to Main sure killed alot of great old buildings.

I've always wanted to do that! I should have done it for Omaha while I lived there, as there were a lot of labels that the local stores carried the I only see when I'm buying there. Lots of the buildings still stand, including the glorious Brandeis building.
Jenn - could you do Kanas City or St. Louis? I am sure there must have been great stores in those two cities
