Go Speed racer!


VFG Veteran
VFG Past President
Okay. okay, this is not all that vintage and I am truly convinced that I am finally off the deep end. But when i saw this Ebert uniform nylon jacket, I thought about the people from Japan and Scandanavian countries who seem to buy anything i possibly have with nylon in it - nylon windbreakers especially. So this is for them.

When i saw this, I instantly thought of "Speed Racer".

<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/speedracer2.jpg" width=432 height=640>
<img src="http://image.inkfrog.com/pix/patentleathershoes/speedracer.jpg" width=360 height=526>

I thought about lotting it with a mechanic-y style jacket i also had, but think it will do better on its own. It has sort of a NASCAR chic look about it as well.

So no question really...other than.....am I totally off the deep end this time?

An interesting juxtaposition to the whiting and davis and 40s hat, et al that I also aquired this week

That could be very possible Sue. A lot of things with logos/patches/brand labels are liked by those folks. It reminded Angela of the beach boys too. I am going to run this during the April "Where the Boys Are" promotion just to see what happens. For all i know a car racing person might like it too. I am just sort of describing it and seeing who comes.

Chris, I had a vintage wool pit crew jacket about a year ago. It had lots of patches on it. Sold for triple digits on ebay --- and almost all the bidders were from outside the US.
Well, congratulations on that (belatedly!)

I do have a feeling it will go to someone many thousands of miles away from me. It will be very interesting to see what happens. Either it will skyrocket or just go for the opening bid, nothing in between

Chris, here's the one I sold:

<img src="http://home.grandecom.net/~cosmiccowgirl/ebay/RJ1.JPG"><BR> <img src="http://home.grandecom.net/~cosmiccowgirl/ebay/RJ2.JPG"><BR>
<img src="http://home.grandecom.net/~cosmiccowgirl/ebay/RJ3.JPG"><BR>
<img src="http://home.grandecom.net/~cosmiccowgirl/ebay/RJ4.JPG"><BR>

I used the title: <b>Vintage Wool Racing Pit Crew Jacket Hot Rod RAB L</b>.
I don't know if mine really would be RAB as it doesn't have that vintage look...it is more of "sears auto center...may i help you?"

I was going with
Red Racing Stripes Nylon Windbreaker GE Sparkplugs

Boring huh?

Maybe I will use "Pit Crew"!!
Ahh. I used it because there was a market for winbreakers a time back...but if they are looking for that they will probably also look for nylon jacket :)