Got a few Questions today! Date checks on 4 things

Well, I have a few items that I have been holding on to because I wasn't positive on the dates but I really need to get them out of here.

Thank you all for your help.

First, Back to the salmon/peach colored sweater that I was asking if 50s or 40s for. I hope the image are better. I honestly think late 40s early 50s but mainly because of the buttons.

Second I have an Asian dress. The length comes to the knees of my manni and she is just shy of 6'2" so in reality this would come well below the knees of the intended wearer. It was sold to me as 60s, but I think it is earlier. I am thinking 50s? Then again it could just be 60s, but the frogs and the way it closes is unusual to me. It is a YKK zipper but the length f the side zip keeps me thinking it is not earlier than the 50s. It opens up completely across the front. There are no labels of any sort. Am I crazy to think a little earlier then 60s?

Third, is a leather coat. I just think the underarms are real unique. What would be to correct term for this sleeve/underarm construction and am I correct with early 70s? Would it be a stylized Raglan sleeve?

Lastly is the skirt. Never handled one before and frankly have no idea on collectability or value. My friend said the lady who gave it to her said it was a 40s burlap skirt. Does that seems accurate and is it of any value? It is in AMAZING condition and there is no label, just a ribbon with the lady's name in the waist band.

Thank you all!!!


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Yes I noticed the Cashin when I was photographing it, sad right! lol I think it was like $10 bucks?

I have no idea why, in 30 photos I did not take a dead on frontal picture. I think it was the sun at the time was casting my shadow on it and I did not even realize that I missed the square front shot. Its night time now, but oh well. I do have a closer pic of the twist closures. Does that make it more collectible? I can take a picture tomorrow if need be.


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You're oriental dress looks 60s to me, definitely not older, is there no label in that one? The burlap skirt is rather fun...with those large pleats, I am getting a late 50s feel for it.
The little sweater is tough as this sort of class style was around for such a long time, it could be 40s or early 5os, I find this one tough to guess on. The Cashin on the Sills label definitely makes it more valuable.
Thank you

Yes there is no label at all in the Asian dress, and the large snap button closeure at the top pf the zipper and the placement of the zipper made me suspect 50s. And still stuck on the sweater haha! Yeah I didn't think 40s on the skirt, but my friend was "sure" but I knew she had been had. Are they collectible or will I be lucky to get $60 out of it? So is early 70s with the Cashin coat correct?

Thank you!
Sorry for bump but I still need help on a date for the skirt. Thank you

The rest I am fine with but not the skirt. Is it collectible?

Thank you all!
the skirt is cute, but because of the burlap, the deep pleats, and the style of embroidery, it looks more like late 1960s, to me. is it lined? as far as value, personally? i'd price it around 35-40 USD...if it's lined, maybe 45...burlap can be very scratchy.

i have to say on that cheong-sam? (which is gorgeous!!) even though it has "older" elements, when i lived in HNL in the 80s and 90s, you could get these down in Chinatown, just like this. they are SO hard to date, they are so timeless to begin with, and they just keep pumping them out for the tourist markets.
CORRECTION it is a zipper by Brown. Um, you know when you have seen a lot of zippers you notice the difference in the teeth... theses are the kind that I see in ealier garments. Medium sides with the "cup" type shape. The one where the teeth have a round part that sticks out that lock into to concave part on the bottom of the other teeth.
Does that make sense? The zipper pull is the kind that I see into the 50s... Also there is no aluminum in the teeth. it is the dark cast iron looking or heavy rough dull metal. Have yall noticed that too in the zippers, the metal qualitites?

So the zipper is older but means nothing about the skirt as it was either a replacement at one point or a repurposed one. The stitching is not super clean.

Would a picture help.

I know this is a trivial point but I felt the earliest was the 50s on this if not 60s, but the woman insists 40s as it was made for her... so I want to be sure one way or another lol.

I will post a pic of zipper if needed. I guess I just should huh?
Jennifer -

A photo would help. I was just looking at a book with WWII fashions and saw a skirt made from a burlap bag so it is entirely possible that your skirt is that old - especially with your description of the zipper.
I think your Cashin coat could be 60's...late 60's.

I did find this on Wikipedia, not that we can go by this as the "truth" but for what it's worth; "In 1953, Cashin teamed with leather importer Philip Sills and pioneered the use of leather for high fashion." Now who knows how long she worked with Sills but the style just looks 60's to me from what I can see of the photo. Anyone know? I love that coat by the way!

Jennifer, the "twist closures" on the Cashin coat are usually referred to as turnlocks. They're a Bonnie cashin signature of sorts. She used them a lot, on coats and when she designed bags for Coach.
Jen, I feel that your cheongsam is 60's at the absolute earliest. I find these all the time in the thrifts, even with the metal zips, and usually pass them over if they're not lined. I find the older ones are silk and fully lined in a high quality silk, very similar to slipper satin. Since the styles don't change, the zipper placement is always the same so it's really not a good indicator of age. You will find some dresses similar with zippers up the back, but they are usually American made versions.

Way to go on that jacket btw. What a nice find!!
Oh yes, I didn't even see the turn locks on the closures in that photo. I worked for Coach in the early 90's and we all learned about Bonnie Cashin at that time. Do you know we had tools and a block of wood so that we could replace those turn locks when they broke on our handbags? It used to be free as were all bag repairs. I think now Coach charges for repairs and I don't think those older style turn locks are used anymore, at least not to the extent they were in the past.
