Got a spare $10K?

They just started. I'm surprised to see Paper Bag Princess is selling there....isn't she notorious for blatantly altering things to make them more "sexy"?

OMG, someone there (The Way We Wore) has a hand-appliqued 20s cloche and scarf made by Sonia Delaunay! Ye gods. I would faint just to be in the same room ...
I assume the seller "Resurrection" runs the site? The scrolling info/images at the top are neat, and all belong to that seller.
Ok, I have to get better about posting scrumptious finds and news on here. I was twittering about this last week! I'll have to go find everyone's Twitter accounts and also reach you there. Isn't the collection stunning?

I don't believe Resurrection is part of 1stdibs. They just like to feature luxury products and the people involved with them. Katy Kane is also selling through them. Off to go connect with you all....