Got this gorgeous 80's Mackie - what color background will make this pop?


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Got this gorgeous 80\'s Mackie - what color background will make this pop?

At present I don't have a black background - I have a striped brown and a blue and white.. will any of those work or should I break down and get a brown? Do you think brown will work with this or should I get black?

And yes, I do seem to be attracted to 80's items ;)


I just wanted to tell you that I love this. The bead work is awesome... I am not into photography or lightitng so I cannot give you an answer as a professional... Personal opinion... stay away from brown because it will detract from the gold/bronze/brown beads.... go with a color opposite of the spectriu... I know there are issues with cameras and lightintg so I dont know how that will work out but I would go with a purple color... not too deep but a vivid purple... should make nice lines? but please don't hold me accountable... just a guess... in makeup you make a color wheel and wear the opposite color eyeshadow from your clothes to "pop" your eyes.. so this theory might work with clothing in general? lol
Light blue or light grey generally make the best backgrounds for photography; you can shoot almost any color against them. I prefer the blue myself, but lots of people like the grey. Most professional photographers I've ever worked with use either of these, or for a special effect, will use a pastel "mottled" or color-graduated background, but you have to be careful what you shoot on that sort of background. A light blue sheet works fine, and doesn't cost a lot! Dark backgrounds are usually not a good idea unless you have professional-level studio lighting--you often lose details and edges into the background. For example, you'd "lose" the trim on the sleeves into a dark background, unless you light the dress "just so."
Murkey gray/blue (like a rainy day cloud) will do well, and won't cause your camera to meter the dress as white instead of bone/cream.
Lovely dress!
WOW- That Dress will Pop on a pile of poo! Nothing could make that look bad! But I'm still heading Anne & Hatfeathers's word on the Grey, That's what I'm looking for now, a simple grey backdrop(that and a studio, Fab Digital camera, live in photographer, Live in model and computer guru to upload it all) Starting with the back drop.
Stunning Dress
I never even thought of grey.. I am so glad I asked this question. I am forever wondering what goes best with cream so as not to make it look white instead. I am going out tommorrow looking for a grey background!
Retook the pics (think I need to steam the drop sheet though!) but the gray color really does work well. I want to redo all my pics now!!
