Guess the meaning...


VFG Member
I just wrote a blog on Victorian symbolism using this necklace as the subject


....and thought it would be fun to have a little guessing game regarding it's hidden meaning. See what you come up with then check my blog for the answer. I had such a good time researching this one. Oh and you see more pics on my website.
I wanted to guess first, Melody, before checking your blog! What a lovely piece of jewelry, and I see a dove in a design that seems to symbolize two separate entities into one. So, perhaps a marriage symbol of some sort?
KUDOS to you both. It is a bridal piece..... there are four symbols that all play a part. The swallow, the forget-me-nots, the three leaf clovers and the seed pearls.

Swallow - Faithfully returning home/ or just home. Supposedly the swallow was one of the first birds to land on deck when a ship was close to land, not surprisingly, aside from a popular motif for jewelry it was also a favorite tattoo for sailors!

Seed Pearls - purity, innocence, harmony and humility

Three Leaf Clover – domestic virtue and fertility. Also a white clover signifies a promise and these tiny clovers have a white seed pearl in the center

Forget me not – Faithful love

Isn't that cool!! I love this stuff :)

I knew that the seed pearls were/are themes in bridal motifs, but had no idea of the other symbolism. Very interesting, Melody! It must have been fun researching! And now I can see that the birds are swallows--it's easy to tell now that I know. Shoulda looked harder!!!!

It is a striking piece, and the symbolism makes it all the more special.