Gunne Sax size 12 even numbered size?

Sara S

Registered Guest
Hi there,
I'm trying to figure out the history on this dress... It has no maker's label, but it is labeled "size 12." I was absolutely sure this is a Gunne Sax dress, but I've never seen one with an even numbered size.

I actually own another of this exact same dress in a size 5 which does have the Gunne Sax label. I've looked at both and they seem to be identical to me, except for the different tags. So weird! Is this one a knock off? It sure looks the same to me...

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If there is no Gunne Sax label, it is hard to identify it is Gunne Sax.
There are Gunne Sax knock off out there (I can give you an example if you want).
Vintage size 12 is usually modern size small/medium. I seen that kind vintage size usually around 1970s clothing.
LOVE your dress, Sara S!!

Even numbers indicates that it was sized as a "misses" size, rather than "juniors", which uses odd numbers. Juniors size labeling started in the 1930s.

Your dress most likely is from the 1960s/1970s.

There were many manufacturers that copied and designed dress lines to look like the popular Gunne Sax label, so without the actual GS label, I (personally) would not market it as such.