Hackett covert coat - throat latch

Discussion in 'PUBLIC Vintage Fashion - Ask Questions Get Answers' started by Mark S, Aug 30, 2024.

  1. Mark S

    Mark S Registered Guest

    I bought a Hackett covert coat off eBay a few months ago. It's missing it's throat latch. This doesn't affect the general wearability of the coat, but I would like to restore it to its original condition, and keep my neck warm on windy days.

    I would like some advice on how to proceed with this. Who should I approach to get this done? I think the main issue is getting hold of the correct covert cloth to make the throat latch. I did send an enquiry to Hackett, but didn't get a useful response.
  2. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

    Those do go missing! Are you in an area where there are tailors or seamstresses/seamsters? They may have a covert cloth remnant or have a way to get hands on one and then recreating the piece would not be hard for a professional.

    Another thought is to contact Fox Brothers to see if they have a match and whether you can pay for a sample size, then take that to a tailor.
  3. Mark S

    Mark S Registered Guest

    Thanks for your reply. Your suggestion of finding a tailor who has some remnants of covert cloth seems sensible. I looked at Fox Brothers' website and the price for a metre of their covert cloth is eye watering.
  4. Mark S

    Mark S Registered Guest

    I had assumed that being a covert coat, it would be made from covert cloth, but the material is rougher than covert cloth. I've added a photo of the coat's lapel. Can anyone suggest what the material might be?

    Attached Files:

  5. denisebrain

    denisebrain VFG Vice President Staff Member VFG Past President

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