hand beaded and sequin top-what's it worth?


Registered Guest
hand beaded and sequin top-what\'s it worth?

I have a size 8 hand beaded fringe and sequin women's top that I believe may have been made in the 1920-1960's. I am wondering how much it's possibly worth AND I am seeking any other information on the item's history or resale. The condition of the item is exelent. The tag reads: Gene Shelly's Dule LIn California, RN27045. SIZE 8.

This is the follow up picture to the vintage beaded top i wanted to know the worth of.
Your top is a nice example of 1960s Hong Kong beading. Gene Shelly was known for that. It's very difficult to speculate on dollar value in an online forum based on photos. So many factors involved, especially condition. As a general rule, we can't offer virtual appraisals although a few VFG trade members are certified appraisers in RL.

You might want to browse ebay and search the 47-64 category for beaded tops to get an idea of what they're being listed for these days. be sure and search completeds too to see what they're actually going for, and how well they're selling over all.
Good advice Maggie.

These tops were made in large quantities in the 1960s, through the whole decade (although I generally think of them as mid to late '60s) and are commonly mis-dated as '20s or '50s. I find that prices vary a lot from $20 upwards. I've seen them sold for as little as $5 but the condition and quality are important - bead loss can be expensive and time consuming to fix. Beaded fringes particularly suffer, although yours seems to be in good shape.

As a seller, I find that supply exceeds demand for these tops because they tend to be fairly unflattering due to their tubular shape, and many sellers over-price them.
