Handbags are a oddity to me


Registered Guest
Handbags in themselves are fine and usefully accessory and some look really nice, so I not going on about what ladies carry in them or the size etc.
In my view wearing a handbag can spoil the silhouette of a lady when she is wearing a nice suite or dress, also I have noticed that some ladies and I do not know why look very much at ease with her bag, adjusting it on her shoulder as she walks or changing hands when holding it, even going into it and bringing out something like a purse without looking while other ladies look uncomfortable with one... strange
I know their is only one other alternative and not to carry one but having what i call hamster pockets like I have after a shopping trip or carrying other things around is not really a alternative for a lady.
I just think to myself are bag design improving as the decades pass or not.
But worse than ladies bags are those waist or hip bags which you see both men and ladies with these day especially men they just do not know what to do with them apart from putting the wallet in and when it comes to getting it out what a fuss.
Too finish off I do have to say there are some very cute bags around more vintage than modern.
the purpose of bags has changed over the years. I don't think they are necessarily "worse" today. We need to carry more stuff and that either turns into a slim stylish purse plus a tote bag or briefcase or the purse becomes the all in one bag.

if you look at the gal carrying a big tote, she is not so likely to be in an evening gown. Women still have nice stylish evening bags.

But i will say the other thing that has changed is women can afford to have many purses and not just a "good one" and an "everyday one" like maybe some women had. Because of all the inexpensive things coming from china especially , there are a lot of inexpensive beaded and leather handbags out there to buy and lots of gals buy them for one outfit and thats it..
just keep on talking , l could listen , smell, breathe, talk, watch, feel, polish, dust, rearrange handbags all day long!! butt hat's my little fetish! well one of them..

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I just wish I had something really intelligent or profound to say about bags ......
Apart for that, those bags look really great Sara and can see why you like your bags.
I think I've developed an addiction to proper handbags- small purses with cute handles. I'm nearing the point, where I should not allow myself to look over the purses at estate sales. :BAGUSE:

I blame it on needing to carry a diaper bag for so many years...
Bags are the one thing you can buy without stressing whether they fit or not. Handbags can brighten a boring outfit.... A bag can define what sort of personality we have....

We can express our individuality with a handbag....

We can say how poor or how rich we are with a handbag.....

We can protect ourselves from muggers with a handbag... My freinds Mom who lives in a unsafe neighborhood carries a wrench in her handbag....

Bonnie Cashin incorporated the handbag into her outerwear......

Handbags rule!!!!

I obviously hord them also......
