Happy Face necklace word help please


VFG Member
What is the word for how this necklace behaves in the light. It is iridescent, lots of neat colours, however, when it is held at different angles, different colours emerge. It is sorta transparent also.

The only word I can think of is 'holographic' but not sure that is the proper word for this effect. :USETHUMBUP:




:hiya: Gayle!

I think both words are applicable. In your first image it does look dimentional. (if THAT is the proper word for it)

When you are looking at it in person, if it looks like it has a 3-D effect, then that is what a hologram is supposed to be (a 3-D projected object) and holographic is what the look would be described as. I don't think it has to change with viewing angles, it just has to LOOK like a hologram.

So, even though it's not a true hologram (neither are the images on credit cards, they are holographic images,) it can still be described as holographic.

Google "holographic definition" and that is what you will come up with.

I think the more applicable words you can use, the better.

No offence, Deborah!!
