Happy National Train Day!


Today is the first annual National Train Day! HURRAY!! :cheer:


I love the train! You can keep your crappy airlines and hours of highway driving. The train is the best! No demeaning strip searches or dealing with other drivers and traffic jams. As the Amtrak conductor said to us last Autumn when the engine caught fire, "Hey, at least we're not in an airplane!" The same goes for any terrorist risk. A hijacked train? What's the point?! A bomb set off? Like the conductor said, better to be in a train than a plane if it happens.

What does this have to do with vintage clothing? Nothing - but it is historical. :)

Enjoy your choo-choo day!!:excited:

I saw that briefly on the Today show, but didn't realize it was the FIRST one. We're big into trains at our house, and when Alex saw that bit, he promptly woke up Papa with a dive bomb jump on the bed screaming that it was National Train Day. He told everyone else we saw that day.

I see that May 10 is on a Sunday next year, maybe we should plan a big to-do at our mini-train project at the park. Hmmm!!!