Harou or Haroni: Information about the label


Registered Guest
I have seen this dress listed as both Haroni as well as Harou
To me it appears to be Harou. I have not had much success with research.
It is Harou´ (yes, there's that unusual accent, but it is not always used in period print ads). There was a discussion of this label in a private forum, and one of the clips found by a member read:

"Not yet in his class is William Pearson, also a designer of talent. Mr. Pearson has had his own business for six of his 36 years before that working for Harou, a California concern. His clothes have a young, contemporary look." (1966) So, Pearson designed for Harou´—I wish I could help with more.

I believe the earliest clipping posted was 1959, and others dated from the 60s. I'll bet your dress is great, because all I've seen by this label have been very impressive!
Thanks, Maggie!


Those pictures are no larger than 1000 pixels. Do you want me to resize and resend?

Let's see if this works first.....




(It did - yay!)

I think it was the file size of the images (about 600 KB) which made them too big for our forum system.

I'm no help with the designer of the dress, but it's a beaut - love that shade of blue!
This dress I had with the same label reminds me in style of yours. Could yours have been shortened? Yours is in fact great...that padded/embroidered bit reminds me of 30s and 40s items, but taken to a more modern place with the style of the dress.

Your dress is amazing! Maggie, Im a huge fan your shop as well and adore your love of manatees :)

The hem on my dress appears to be original and has an overall length of 42".

Ah, Rachel, thank you re/ the manatees especially! I love hearing that!

This label comes up now and then and we have yet to find in-depth info. One of these days...