Has anyone heard of SnowBoy? Delightfully bizarre jacket.


Registered Guest
I don't even begin to know the influences hat creted this fun coat. Lots of pics, so beware. The label says Snow Boy, and the graphics are wonderful, kind of russian snowmen. The jacket is padded and lightly quilted. Thanks for any help!

<IMG SRC="http://pic17.picturetrail.com/VOL826/451166/1390104/88439195.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://pic17.picturetrail.com/VOL826/451166/1390104/88439186.jpg">

<IMG SRC="http://pic17.picturetrail.com/VOL826/451166/1390104/88439183.jpg">
It's like

"It's a Small World" only with snowmen.
Or I am thinking of the olympics....olympic international village

I think of the late 80s/early 90s when i think of puffy coats, but don't quote me with dates.
Kelly, that label looks so 'south park'.

I have a Japanese made cotton puffy jacket (not snowmen) with cartoon
graphics and would love to know the date. I think it is from the same
era as yours, so would be curious at finding out.

It looks Japanese to me. My daughter-in-law is a graphic artist who worked in Tokyo and it could have been some of her work. Marian