Great guidance to those resources Tiffany! There is a lot of good info out there, so Caryn just start looking around on the web, here in the VFG resource guides, and in books. We are happy to help when you get "stuck" with a question, but you will be surprised how easy it is to find basic information without asking here on the Forum.
HINT.....I highly recommend the book "Vintage Hats and Bonnets" by Susan Langley. Both editions are valuable so I say purchase both if you can. Her book is the best way for beginners to learn. She knows her stuff, and the pictures are gorgeous!
OK....about this hat....I am dating it to the late 1980s to early 1990s, although it could be earlier in the 1980's. That vaguely 1930s vintage style was made for over 20 years by Sylvia and was very popular. I saw tons of them around in 1990. The rooster feathers are typical of the type found on Sylvia hats, but these feathers look added on...not sure.
As I said, these hats are quite common, and it is made of wool felt.