Hat Parade: Royal Ascot 2012

Great post, the papers today were full of photos of people flouting the new rules which isn't really what anybody wants to read about. I much prefer the analysis of all the various outfits and millinary creations! The 'music' headpiece has to be my favourite from that selection. Others had good ideas but poorer execution.
the papers today were full of photos of people flouting the new rules

Are there new rules, Melanie? We yanks are sorely out of touch, I guess. What's the brouhaha about?
Yes, See Jonathan's OFF her Head! blog post for a summary.

Ladies with bare shoulders were given pashminas, in the larger Grandstand enclosure those without hats were given fascinators and Tattoos were not supposed to be on show, the article I read showed a woman entering with a leather jacket over a dress which she later removed showing extensive tatoos.
Oh and skirt lengths were not to be too short (there was actually a diagram showing bad length and good length) and I believe no strange piercings on show either.
What fun, thanks for posting Maggie!

And though I wish the US had something to rival it, I think the blogger's concluding observation is quite correct:

If Americans had a tradition like this, half the hats would be cars, a quarter would have guns on them, another quarter would have paid advertising space on them, and 98% would have the stars and stripes. Perhaps it’s best to leave these traditions to the folks who know what to do with them.
Thanks for sharing this link, as I I missed seeing many of those. My favorites are the woman in sort of an 1880 Victorian revival suit in periwinkle blue with the same flowers on the suit and hat. She is gorgeous and the outfit is not too much. I would definitely wear that! And the color is stunning. I also love the giant black cherries, and the music topper.

I had read the rules a few weeks ago, and I pretty much agree with all of them. Call me old fashioned, but sometimes I love rigidity and decorum, and well...they ARE British!

I saw some pix from our Kentucky Derby and some of those women looked like they belonged behind the stables and working "on the clock" if you get my drift. I an no prude, believe me, I dressed pretty wild and bare in my day and not so long ago, but certain occasions do demand a certain sense of common decency and respect.

God, I sound soooooo old fashioned.
