Hattie Carnegie Bracelet - yea!!!

So I really have had one of the best days ever. I went to an estate sale this morning. When I asked about jewelry they indicated that all of the "good stuff" was up by the cashier but that there was tons of other jewelry upstairs. I went upstairs, where everything was $2.00, and picked out quite a few pieces where I could see "marks" but since I forgot my little magnifier I couldn't read them at the time. Lo and behold, when I got home, I found the Hattie Carnegie logo on the back of this bracelet. I also brought home a pair of Miriam Haskell earrings, a pair of really unique Whiting and Davis earrings, and some really neat Coro pieces. Honestly, if it all is worth a combined $20.00 I won't care - it is just the neatest thing to find all of this in my box of $2.00 jewelry. I think the company putting on the estate sale may need to redefine the "good stuff" - I looked at it and it was mostly junk.

So, I am wondering if anyone has any thoughts on what this bracelet might be made of - the iivory colored pieces almost look like plastic but I thought someone here might have some thoughts. Have searched internet all afternoon and have found nothing similar so thought I would check in here. Any and all information/thoughts appreciated!

BTW - A big THANKS to Linn for suggesting I use my scanner. It works GREAT! I sit by this scanner and all day and the thought never crossed my mind. Brilliant.

Thank you!!!
Maureen -

The "ivory" is probably plastic. I was going to ask you to please show a larger photo and saw your follow up post. I am not sure what the problem is.

After you finish scanning do you edit and resize your photos in a photoshop type program? Maybe they are being saved "small." I use Photoshop Elements.

Which image hosting service are you using? I use www.imageevent.com and am very pleased with it. When I load photos for this forum I click on "websize" and imageevent automatically resizes them.

Have to run but hope this helps. Someone with more technical knowledge will probably offer some better advice!

That is soooo Awesome, Maureen!

I have one piece of Hattie Carnegie - a Christmas Holly sprig pin that's missing a good bit of enamel.

It was at my local thrift & I watched it weekly as they mark things down regularly. It never sold til I got it for a Song! It's a rush, isn't it? :excited:
Such a rush! Hattie Carnegie and then the Miriam Haskell...couldn't believe it! Love it. Awesome find on the hc pin. Would love to see.
I think it's late '60's or early '70's. Hattie Carnegie died in 1956, but the jewelry line continued until 1979. BTW - she did not design the jewelry.

As requested - here are some really quick pics of my Hattie Carnegie Christmas pin.

I tried to get a shot of the stamp, but no matter what I do, it's blurry.
As you can see, someone tried to repaint part of the leaves. I really wish they had not done that.

I'm thinking about taking it to a pro, but I fear it won't demand the price to cover the repair...

Anyway -

