Hattie Carnegie Hat - How to Wear?

Ok, I know I said I was going to leave you all alone for a little while but this hat has me perplexed. Do I have this on correctly? I am assuming the label goes in back of the head which would make the turban wrap go in front. Should it be tilted? The seam on the one side makes me wonder about tilting. Did someone perhaps add the turban to the bottom? It just seems odd to me.

I have searched for photos of a similar hat but so far no luck. Will keep looking but thought someone here would know what to do.

As always - all input appreciated. Thank all!

NOW I will leave you alone for awhile...promise :)






Here is what it looks like turned around - this can't be right...right?

I think you have it right in the first shots. It's sort of a scarf turban within a fur hat. If you think about it, a turban made complately from fur would be miserable to wear up against your forehead and cheeks.
I agree that it's on right in the first shot--and it looks like a bubble hat or beret on top, and a turban on the bottom! Hmmm.... would one call that a bubble turban? Like bubble beret? Or, burban--which I could go for right now, on the rocks (spelling license taken).

Very dramatic look--I like the criss-cross bands in the two different colors!

I agree, you have it correct in the first photo, with the wrap in front. And no, don't tilt it.

It is made from fur felt on the top, not technically fur but a felt made from fur. So I would not call it a fur turban as that may be confusing or misleading to the lookers. Call it a fur felt turban or felt turban, with a gabardine wrap. (which I suspect is silk)

I am now going to call all my similar hats BURBANS!! I love that.

In the millinery realm there are many types of turbans, some don't even really look what we normally think of as turbans, but they do fall into that category. I have seen 1950's and 1960's turbans made completely of fur felt, and I agree they would itch me like crazy.

And please, it does not have to be the last time you ask a question, I think we all like to help.

I love BURBAN too!

Barbara - I am sure I will be back - just feel like I have been "overasking" lately and I never want to abuse the patience and knowledge of this board. I will still be back everyday to look and read - I truly learn something new everyday here.

Thanks all! I appreciate your thoughts.

Maureen -

You are definitely not "overasking." Your questions are always well thought out and well presented and we all really do like to help.

All of us learn from each other's questions!!!!