Have you ever done THIS?

It looks like you put a starting bid in at .99, maybe you meant to put 9.99 but since the same bidder bid twice that is probably why it stated at .99
l'm often findingw eird things like this... like l often have 3 bids, but its still at 99p!? the starting price..l think thats because 3 people all bid the minimum?
??? One thing I know ... (maybe :) ) I never start things at $9.99. For some reason I start at $9.95. Oh... wait a minute ... I think if you don't put a price in it automatically starts at $0.99. The two bid thing confused me, but Queenie (?) is right - she probably bid twice. Case solved - but I'm still not the brightest seller. !!!

This particular coat sold the first time around for @ $45.00 and I thought it would fetch more. (Someone from England, 0 feedback, was high bidder - she didn't ask about postage and didn't pay...).

That's exactly what I was going to say! EBay automatically puts 99 cents in the "starting price" box when you relist, so if you forget to override it, you get stuck.

That coat is a great color!!

EBay automatically puts 99 cents in the "starting price" box when you relist, so if you forget to override it, you get stuck.

So they're assuming all resellers are desperate to unload their stuff and will start at rock bottom? :puzzled:

Yet another example, IMHO, of how eBay is slightly less than seller-friendly... The form really shouldn't let you continue to the next step if you've left the price blank!

On the hopeful side--it's a really lovely coat (and that time of the winter when color and warmth are such an appealing combo), so hopefully it will rise above its humble beginnings! Good luck with it, Amanda...
Oops, I made a mistake. I knew the 99 cent thing had happened to me, but it isn't the relist screen. It's the "send to online auction" screen. It automatically sets the opening bid at 99 cents with a BIN equal to your store price. Still sneaky, I think!

That's SUPER cute, Amanda. I'd be surprised if it still didn't sell well for you. These double breasted pea coats are moving very well for me (and I think everyone) right now and the silver mink in the title will bring lots of eyes.

Love it!
you know what - this could surprise you. it looks like the bidder bid, then upped their bid. and if a second person comes by and says "hey, i wasn't looking for a coat but for that price SURE!" and then of course they have to try and outbid the first person.....if you are lucky you might get a couple people who feel the same way to make it interesting..
LOL Gail :-) Who knows what the heck I did, but it definitely wasn't moved from a store into the online auction. No biggie. It's slowly moving up. And last night, because of the 20 cent listing sale I assume, Sellersourcebook was maxing out, which is something new for me.