Have you seen one of these three-point "sweater clips" before?

I don't think I've seen something exactly like this before.

What is the third (center) clip for?

The clips are much smaller and more delicate than the typical 50s sweater or fur clips (and they are Pat. Pending -- the newer ones have Pat. #'s.).

At first, the designs on the bar clips looked art deco to me. But looking more closely, and at the oval center clip, perhaps it's really more art nouveau?

Sorry no ruler or dime for size -- bars are 7/8" long, oval is 3/4" long.

An educated friend thinks itmay be Victorian or Edwardian, and recalls a great-grandmother having something very similar. So experts? What is it and when is it from?


from the basic construction I would also think this could be an early type of suspender clip, you should be able to get a starting date from the patent no. Liza, just have to work out where it was made first.
Does there appear to be a fabric or felt interior to the center clip? If so, it could be a vinaigrette (as well).

Laura, yes! I'd been looking through the filigree and wondering what was in there. Looks to be felt. So it was intended to hold scent?

All those suggestions for its use are so delightful. Perhaps the elongated clips held to the collar, and the scented center clip held a hankie or clamped a scarf in place?

As for the patent, Pinkcoke, it's only Pending... no number. The other clips I have, WITH a patent number (all beginning '58 or '59), are very different -- much larger and more typical of the "Emma Pillsbury" sweater clips we see all the time.

I'm going to do some research based on all you information. Thanks, ladies!

Hope you're having a good mother's day. I'm wearing a new necklace. Three little hearts representing my three little girls. : )

Sorry Liza I thought you meant two clips on this item had patent numbers... alas if it were only that simple!
Hey! Look at this: http://www.worthpoint.com/worthopedia/lingerie-vinaigrette-flapper-perfumette-1882

The center piece looks extremely close, if not identical, to mine. But the clips are different (not decorative). AND, it's patented. Mine's only "pending." Of course, the person oddly assumes that the item dates to the year the patent was issued, which makes no sense at all. Just the hairdo on the illustrated lady tells you that's not true -- she's a flapper! She's 40 years after the patent.

Has anyone actually paid for this "Worthpoint" service? Somehow seems a bit sketchy to me. Like a means of making people pay for what should be free to begin with. Any opinions welcomed!
Fair warning: a search for vintage lingerie clips with vinaigrette brings results that are NSFW!!! LOL. (that's "not safe for work" for those of you out of the lingo loop!)
I think you've found it, just yours is a nicer possibly more expensive example. They look too similar to be far apart in dating so I would go with the 1920's illustration. Congrats! really interesting find.
Well, Pinkcoke, now I've really and truly found it -- identical: http://www.etsy.com/listing/33666151/antique-flapper-era-1928-vintage

Clearly it's the same brand as the other one I found. But this one seems to match exactly. The patent was issued in 1928, so mine has to be a little bit older. I think you are right about the 20s. Must just be early or mid-20s.

Funny how people seem to have kept these on the original card. I don't have one, but others apparently do.

I have quite a few antique lingerie clips, and this one of yours is very similar, but none of mine have the scent pendant. That was neat to see. The patent number on some types of items does not always represent the date of manufacture, but often it represents the date that a PART of the item was patented, such as a mechanism, a backing, lock, pinback closure, spring, hinge, lining, etc.

As for Worthpoint, like mom told me "If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all". Well, since you asked, I will say I think they are completely worthless and a total waste of money. Oops...sorry mom!
As for Worthpoint, like mom told me "If you can't say anything nice about someone, don't say anything at all". Well, since you asked, I will say I think they are completely worthless and a total waste of money. Oops...sorry mom![/quote]

LOL... You sure she didn't say, "If you haven't got anything nice to say about anyone, come sit by me?"