Hello, Can you please help me with fabric type?


VFG Vice President
VFG Past President
Hi, I was thinking this is cotton but I am not positive. It is very soft but not silky.
Can you please help me determine the fabric type?




Thank you, Caryn
Not so easy to tell from here, but by the era, look and your description I'd guess rayon. Do you know how to do a fabric thread burn test? http://www.ditzyprints.com/dpburnchart.html

Rayon and cotton come out similarly odor-wise in this test, but I think of this more vibrant, fashionable fabric as being rayon more often than cotton.
I agree with Maggie & Joules.... The weave looks more like what you'd see with rayon as well. Non-textured cotton tends to have a very "flat" weave, hard to see in photos. But the weave in yours is readily visible in the photos. Also, rayon, while it sometimes feels "silky," doesn't always.

Oh, and that is really a great dress! Love that collar!
Hello, I apppreciate your replies. I did the burn test and it is rayon.
I wasn't sure after the burn test because the ash was grey and both cotton and rayon have grey ash but I looked on another burn test site which told me that rayon fire turns a fast orange while cotton is yellow and then orange.
You all were right.
Thanks so much, Caryn