Hello- Help Please on Authenticating Leonard Paris


Registered Guest
Hi, I sold an item on eBay recently. I looked at recently ended items, and determined this to be authentic.

However, the buyer received the top and is stating that is it a fake. Mainly due to the fact that it has only 1 signature, not several.

Can you help me on this matter? If it IS fake, I certainly will refund the buyer. If not however, I would like to be able to definitively stand my ground!

Any help would be greatly appreciate as I am not terribly familiar with this brand.

Here is the closed auction with pictures of the item, label, and signature


If you would like the item # is it 230491094274
I say authentic as well. It has been awhile since I've had Leonard pieces but if I remember correctly the signatures were only in a couple places in the fabric unlike Pucci for example
I was asked by another member to check in on this thread. Although Leonard is not one of the designers I have extensive expertise on authenticating, I don't see anything that would make me believe this isn't authentic. I have never heard of Leonard being counterfeited, and honestly, although it's very pricey, it's not exactly a household name. In order for it to be profitable to counterfeit --- particularly when a brand is actually part of a fabric's design and it's not a matter of simply slapping a fake label on it --- a designer name has to be known in a widespread manner. And Leonard just doesn't have that kind of brand recognition. Everything I see on that blouse --- including the multilingual label that is overlocked into the seam, the fact that it's made in France, and the detail and construction I can see in the photos --- would leave believing it is authentic.

Has your buyer given you reasons they believe it is fake? Perhaps those specific concerns can be addressed. If she primarily has concerns about the label not being 'Leonard Paris' you might want to direct her to the Guild's label resource.
No, the only thing she has a problem with is the fact that there is only 1 signature, on a single rose on the back, and not multiple signatures. I cannot find anything addressing the signatures, or lack thereof.

After multiple emails, she also mentioned that it doesn't feel like silk, but silk jersey does feel different than regular silk, and it felt fine to me.
Oh, and my buyer she says it IS counterfeited in Korea, and that she personally saw this.

So, seeing that, I tried googling Leonard and fakes made in Korea. I then found a post on google about a woman owning one of these Korean counterfeits, and I emailed that poster about it. She says that her item does not have any tags, but does have the Leonard signature in the print. She thinks mine is real as well.
But really, if you're going to go to the trouble of printing fabric with a fake signature, why only do it once?

From what you're saying, I don't think your buyer is ever going to be happy with anything you tell her. You might as well have her return it because I doubt this will end any other way and if you wait for her to file a PayPal claim that it's counterfeit (even if it isn't) you will receive one of ebay's 'invisible strikes' that could affect you for a very long time.
Oh, she already filed the claim. I was communicating with her, and told her to give me a day or so, that I was trying to get it authenticated, and she filed right after that. It is my first claim filed against me, so hopefully it won't be too horrible.
She is a US buyer.

I have already replied to the case. Is there any way to send ebay this additional information? Can I call, or otherwise add to what I have already given?