Help & Advice on cleaning Leather gloves!


I go through a pair of dead stock white leather gloves a week! I really wear and love them, but after a night out, well... they just look sad! I have somewhere in my reference books a chapter on home/hand cleaning leather gloves- but I can't find it! I remember it said i could hand wash them. But How & Dry?:help:
Any ideas or know how-to's??
Thanks! Dingy Fingers at Atticville!
I accidentally handwashed a pair of black leather gloves once: the colour ran (not surprising, the water was rather hot) but apart from that, they dried okay.

I have some old "gloves soap", I think it's made by Dents (an Australian glove manufacturer) and comes in a packet - I haven't tried it (it's very old) but I think it's sheaves of soap.

Oh, lookee, online help!. Of course, it comes with the qualifier "washable leather gloves". Perhaps unwashable ones can be drycleaned?

Originally posted by CircaVintageClothing
I accidentally handwashed a pair of black leather gloves once: the colour ran (not surprising, the water was rather hot) but apart from that, they dried okay.

I have some old "gloves soap", I think it's made by Dents (an Australian glove manufacturer)

Dents the glovemakers are an English company (Worcestor originally I think) - is there an Oz Dents glovemakers too?
Gosh gee Whiz! You Aussie kids are stressin' me ! Translate for a Southern gal! & I just might give y'all the recipe for Fab grits & Biscuits! Oh! Nicole/Circa Vintag taught me "Trees" this week(did i get it right nicole?)That's Aussie slang for pants!
I Believe most everything is washable! Horror might follow so, !my New Cleaners are Angel miracle workers My New Found Love::USETHUMBUP:Well's cleaner!love em !!
LWL, thanks for the clarification re: Dents. I tried to find out if they were overseas as well, but all google gave me was the Aussie site so I made an assumption - I'm sure you're right, they must be a UK company, probably with a local branch. Certainly most of the gloves I find are made by Dents and some are mighty old.

KK - trews it is! I think it's an English abbreviation for trousers, we here in Aus just end up with many of their slang and I like to nurture the old fashioned terms. Actually, scrap that - I just looked up Wikipedia and apparently I have it wrong - trews aren't trousers, although it may be the origin of the word. It's a form of Scottish apparel (maybe I got the word from my Scottish grandma?).

Originally posted by CircaVintageClothing
LWL, thanks for the clarification re: Dents. I tried to find out if they were overseas as well, but all google gave me was the Aussie site so I made an assumption - I'm sure you're right, they must be a UK company, probably with a local branch. Certainly most of the gloves I find are made by Dents and some are mighty old.

They make very good and affordable gloves. The only reason I know our Dents are English is because I recently read an article on Sudeley Castle (the Dent glovemaking family bought it in the 1800's and descendants of the the family still own and live there.)
Originally posted by CircaVintageClothing
- trews aren't trousers, although it may be the origin of the word. It's a form of Scottish apparel (maybe I got the word from my Scottish grandma?).


My mother is Scottish, they say troosers! There's even a song "Donald where's ya troosers"!
You shouldn't as a rule wash leather gloves especially kid gloves. You don't say what type of leather or how old the gloves are but using water will shrink and dry leather. Here is a useful site which explains what you should do to clean and maintain gloves;
I've found several sets of glove dryers/keepers/stretchers in my career. The neatest are little wire jobbies that fit up inside like a hand. I suppose those would be great for holding shape if you did wash some leather ones.

I wonder what those shoe wipes would do, the kind you can get at the mall athletic shoe stores? I think they have a bit of polish in them or something. The hip hoppers don't like smudged kicks. (shoes)
I was gonna suggest what Jenn said- leather wipes, like for shoes or car interiors. I use Mcguires (sp?) on shoes and purses, but haven't tried it on gloves.

Speaking of cleaning leather, and we are, what about Napa Leather?

I haven't googled yet, but I've got a white short napa leather jacket - so soft it practically melts in your hand - with just some minor soiling - would I approach Napa differently, or perhaps, not at all?
If the gloves are stamped "washable," you can wash them by putting them on plastic glove driers, swishing them about in lukewarm sudsy water (I use Woolite), rinsing well, and hanging to dry. They won't feel as soft as they were, but rub in some of that fabulous Cadillac leather conditioner and gently "work" the gloves a bit. And they should be almost good as new. If they're not marked washable, clean with a good saddle soap like you would any leather goods (a "dry" wipe down, with very little water in the sponge), then condition if needed. Colored gloves shouldn't run if cleaned this way--as long as the cleaning sponge is wrung out thoroughly and the leather just wiped down.

(My years of riding and working in barns cleaning tack have really paid off in the vintage business. Who knew?)
Anne! That's Fab, many are marked washable & I have one glove drying Thingy!! Thank you!!
Shoe wipes sound good also, but I kindof want to shrink the leather back to original size... one night out stretches them a good bit! I like to bend my fingers a lot!:booze: liftin' a glass will be a workot for any hand!!!