Help dating 2 Laura Ashley dresses


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Picked up a few Laura Ashley dresses at a thrift store yesterday and based on their labels (and the smock-like silhouette) I believe they are from the earlier years--early 70's. But I can't seem to find any information on the fabric prints on either of the dresses. Can anyone shed any light? Could the dresses be from the late 60's? I see some people on ETSY saying a LA dress is "RARE;" how does one know that?

I've attached pics of both dresses with close ups of the prints and the labels.

Thanks everyone!

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Those are charming dresses. My impression is 1970s as well.

Many sellers will use the word "rare" when it does not apply. These LA dresses were produced in fairly large numbers and unless it was an unproduced sample dress, or a one-of-a-kind, it should not be considered rare.

I love the Edwardian cuffed sleeves on the first smock dress.
Thanks for chiming in, Barbara. Ha! on the "rare" descriptor. Yes, I see how that adjective is easily used when trying to sell vintage. That being said, from my recent research, I'm getting the impression that these Laura Ashley dresses have actually become quite a collector's item—especially the earlier pieces. I'm shocked (and thrilled) at what some people are asking for if they're getting that price is another thing, but they do seem to have started to build a bit of a following.

You couldn't have PAID me to wear these when I was younger, but when I put these 2 dresses on, I was actually surprised with how cute they were (that being said, my son thought I was wearing my pajamas.) :D

Both dresses appear to have the LA label attached to another label, rather than directly into the garment as all my LA's have. Please can you show the label underneath?

I have to say both these prints are unlike any LA prints I have seen before, I've also never seen insects in LA prints. I showed them to my mother who was buying and wearing LA around the decades mentioned and she doesn't recognise either. From what I've read in quotes from LA and what my mother says LA was not bought by the those seeking the latest trends it was a desired style by those who appreciated the quality of manufacture and her trademark floral style and garment shaping. It was also often seen as slightly old fashioned, because it carried the style on for longer than other brands and was a relatively traditional look.
She did mention that they looked more like maternity styles to her. She said LA did make maternity dresses but they were never labelled as such. (She called them 'special' dresses.)

Personally the dark brown dress looks late 70s to early 80s to me, the peach a little earlier.
Good points Melanie, and I agree with everything. I stick by my dating but agree that these may not be original LA dresses. Pics of the underneath labels will help.

Most of the LA dresses I've had have featured more simplistic Victorian and Edwardian style cotton floral prints. They were silk screened in their Welsh studios in the '70s. Neither of these look silk screened.
Interesting points ladies! Thanks for the replies. In return, I've done some digging and taken some pictures and here's what I've come up with:

First thing I found was that Laura Ashley does indeed have insects (exactly like the butterflies/moths on my dress) in her prints. Here's one print called Summer Palace that you can still buy. The link to the Laura Ashley website where you can find it is here:
Here is a picture of the print:
Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 11.33.38 AM.png

And also in a 70's print called "Shepard's Purse." This photo is taken from the Laura Ashley (they themselves) Pinterest page
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Also there is the Floribunda print that has insects. (ACTUALLY, I JUST REALIZED-FLORIBUNDA IS THE PRINT OF THE CREAMY YELLOW DRESS!!) This pic also taken from the Laura Ashley Pinterest page
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2016-09-08 18.42.14.jpg

Secondly, the style of the dress is smock like, which is exactly where LA started—with aprons and smocks. She herself wore this kind of dress as shown by this picture here which is on the cover of a Booklet for sale during the LA exhibit in Bath, England. Both the styles and the sleeves are similar to my brown dress.
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Here are some other images of that style either taken either from the Laura Ashley HQ archive in London or the Fashion Museum in Bath. In this picture, my creamy yellow dress is a shortened version of the dress on the far right (you can only see half unfortunately). From the front yoke to the Edwardian sleeves it is the same style. The dress on the far left is also very smock like.
Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 10.53.08 AM.png

Here is an 80's ad for LA with a smock dress also taken from the LA Pinterest page (is that a very young Kate Moss?):
Screen Shot 2016-09-13 at 11.48.13 AM.png

I believe the look is just smock like and not maternity (although a pregnant woman would certainly be comfortable!)

Lastly, here are the pics of the labels. As you can see, the ones underneath just show the sizes as also shown on the front. They are sewn together well with the weathering of the labels being exactly the same color. I'm not sure why they were sewn together like this, the add on tape "100 Cotton" label on the front of the brown dress is also interesting, but I do believe they are the original labels. My one thought (having worked in fashion) is that these were maybe samples.


Phew! I learned more about Laura Ashley then I ever thought I would need to know. I love to dig into fashion research. Time flies.

I'm going with the early 1970's.

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Good research Nina and thanks for the label pics. Whilst they look '70s in style, LA redoes some of their heritage styles and I think these are more modern. Perhaps '90s based on the detailed labels but the LA labels on the front look earlier. Not sure when they stopped manufacturing in Wales but my guess is the '80s.

If you left up the LA label is there anything on the front of the care labels? It is really odd to see them on like this. I too, worked in fashion and worked with a lot of sample ranges and haven't seen labels sewn on like this.

They're lovely dresses and whilst they well may be LA, I think you have to treat those sewn on labels with caution.