Help dating a beaded purse


Registered Guest
I found this purse today at an old garage sale. It was tucked away, forgotten, in an old trunk that I was looking at. The girl I bought it from didn't even realise it was there but said she remembers her grandmother owning it. I have fallen absolutely in love with it.

It is 100% beaded with a variety of ivory white flowers. The fabric inside while marked with lipstick stains in the pocket is soft and silky. I am curious as to how old it is as I want to make sure I store it correctly. Thank you!
It looks early 60s to me. These are best kept laid flat in a drawer, you could wrap it in an old cotton pillowcase to protect it. Some people use old suitcases to store items in as well, again best to keep the suitcase flat down and not in a standing position. A trunk like you found it in as well is a good place to store it away.

Nice find!