Help dating a photograph

Taiwan Nostalgia

Registered Guest
Dear Vintage Fashion Guild Users,
Could anyone perhaps help me date this photograph? My instinct tells me that it's from the 1930s, but I'm not entirely sure. Sorry for asking such a newbie question and thanks in advance for any help.
Cheers very much
It looks 1947-48 to me. He is wearing very baggy pants and oversized jacket, which looks to be heavily inspired by early 40s zoot styles, but only teens and hepcats wore zoot suits in the early 40s - but the style inspired general suit styles postwar. Her open toed shoes with what appears to be flat soles are postwar, and her calf length dress with busy print and shoulder ruffles is also a postwar cut. I don't know where the pic was taken, but it wasn't anywhere in North America because he is wearing sandals on the street and men here didn't wear those on the street then.